Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Gluten free Grillen Chicken Breast Recipe
I hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day holiday!
I know food is such an important issue everyday when you're gluten intolerant, but food on a holiday is a huge issue, especially when you're out at someone else's house and they're not celiac. We actually had a fantastic meal and I'd like to share it with you so you can see how easy eating gluten free really can be.
We started out with two slabs of ribs
I placed them in a shallow pan with 1/4 cup of water
I covered them with aluminum foil and baked them in the oven for an hour @ 350 degrees.
I then rubbed the slabs with a gluten free pork rub. (I used El's Kitchens as we are going to be carrying this line soon!)
I placed them on the grill on low for 10 minutes on each side, then basted them with Hot Rod Bob's Gluten Free BBQ sauce - DELICIOUS sauce with a lot of flavor!
I then made a Gluten free coleslaw:
1/2 head cabbage (6-8 cups shredded)
1/4 cup grated carrots
2 Tbsp finely diced onions
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 Tbsp cider vinegar
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
Mix cabbage, carrots, onions, sugar and salt; set aside.
In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar and oil. Toss with cabbage mixture.
Chill at least 1 hour before serving.
To top off the meal, I made a loaf of Gluten free GARLIC bread made with our Gluten Free Naturals Multi-Purpose Bread Mix - I added some butter, salt and garlic powder on top then broiled the bread slices until golden. Great way to add garlic bread to your meal!
Of course, our meal wouldn't have been complete without a Vanilla Cake made with our Gluten Free Naturals Yellow cake mix topped with our Cherrybrook Kitchen Vanilla frosting!
Ahhh what a way to spend the holiday afternoon! Please contact us at Theceliacshack@yahoo.com if you have any comments or questions on any of our recipes.
Until next time, we hope you have a happy gluten free day!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Homemade Gluten Free Brownie Recipe
The Jones Gang is a happy bunch when I make these Brownies! They're rich, chocolaty, and absolutely delicious! More gluten free recipes coming for the Memorial Day weekend...Check back for more great ideas!
The Celiac Shack ~ Making gluten free fun one day at a time!
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Celiac Shack offers gluten free solutions to local school districts in Michigan
Aloha ~
I spent time this morning speaking with my daughter's preschool teacher and members at her school, Northville's Early Childhood Center, Kids' Creative Corner in Northville, MI. I filled out all the information to be part of Northville's LISTSERV for gluten free needs in the community. I began thinking about the needs that schools have when dealing with gluten free children in their classrooms, and the challenges the teachers face. I explained to Northville's administration that The Celiac Shack will be an asset to the local mothers and families by creating a network for support, finding information regarding celiac disease and autism, and a great place for sharing knowledge among each other.
I have also volunteered to donate gluten free products to the classrooms for the celiac and gluten intolerant children in Northville, and if this collaboration is successful, I will consider extending this offer to other schools. I'd like to create a partnership with the local school districts in Michigan to become a focal point of reference for all of their gluten free needs. I truly believe this would prove to be an asset for the classrooms to have these snacks on hand.
If you can assist The Celiac Shack by helping us to promote our community in the local school districts, I will be pleased to feature an article about you in our Monthly newsletter, "The Pipeline". I believe in helping each other and our proposed offer with the local schools will benefit everyone involved.
Please feel free to share our contact information with everyone you think that would benefit from our community and services. The Celiac Shack believes in being the change we wish to see in the world, and this is just one more step to make a difference not only in our community, but in yours also.
The Celiac Shack ~ Making gluten free fun one day at a time!
The Celiac Shack
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gluten Free Taco Pizza Recipe!

The Jones Gang is having a Pizza & Movie night! We're making
Of course, the crust is made with our Tastefully Gluten Free Pizza Crust on sale now at The Celiac Shack ~ Surf on in, pick up a bag and have a fun Pizza night with your kids this weekend!

Taco Pizza
Think Mexican! Serve the kids one of their favorite meals in a fresh new way.
1 pkg Tastefully Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Mix
1 tsp Sugar
2 Eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Oregano (optional)
1/2 tsp Basil (optional)
1 jar Gluten-Free Taco Sauce
1 lb. Cooked Ground Beef
2 cups Coarsely Crushed Tortilla Chips
2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Shredded Lettuce
Diced Tomatoes
Prepare Tastefully Gluten-Free Pizza Crust dough according to package directions and spread evenly into 2 12-inch pizza pans.
Spread your favorite gluten-free taco sauce evenly over the dough.
Spread ground beef, crushed tortilla chips, cheddar cheese evenly over dough.
Bake as directed.
Cut and sprinkle with shredded lettuce and tomatoes.
An easy and fun meal that your entire family will love!
The Celiac Shack ~ Making gluten free fun one day at a time!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Benefits of a Gluten Free diet and what Celiac means to The Celiac Shack
Aloha ~
I was just interviewed for an article about The Celiac Shack, and I wanted to share some of my answers, which explains my personal reasons why I started this community and website. It will also explain why I feel so passionate about helping other Moms with their gluten battles.
Why did you open The Celiac Shack?
I started The Celiac Shack after a year of reading and investigating Celiac disease and gluten intolerance. I have a few autoimmune disorders and so does my son, and I had heard that gluten could be an agitator of these disorders, so I began looking into the gluten free diet. It was then that I realized it is not an easy task to convert over to a gluten free diet. It's not as easy as just not buying bread. Gluten is in almost everything, and the items that do not naturally contain gluten, are often filled with gluten filled additives and preservatives. It seemed like such a daunting task to transition into a gluten free lifestyle, and I would often go to the grocery store with a list and a mission that I was only going to buy gluten free food, only to leave the grocery store with a shopping cart full of gluten food because I was discouraged and confused by the all the label reading and deciphering of manufacturing labels that made no sense.
I started to think that I was the only person having problems with this gluten free transition, but then soon realized that if I am having this many problems, I couldn't be the only one. I thought about what I wanted as a Mother, and the answer always came back to the following:
I want real information that is quick and reliable
I want real recipes that work and taste great for my kids
I want a place where I can go to quickly find what I'm looking for when I want it
I want to meet and communicate with other Moms and people that agree this transition doesn't have to be this difficult
I want In-the trenches tips, stories, and suggestions from real people that are doing exactly what I'm doing
I want a fun place where I can buy food at reasonable and fair prices
I want a food that has been taste tested by kids and guaranteed to be a success with my kids instead of purchasing products that taste awful and I end up throwing away
After figuring out what I wanted, I couldn't find it anywhere on the web or in my area. I decided to be the change I wished to see and The Celiac Shack was born. By creating this site to be what I want as a mother, I feel confidant that other mothers will want the same things and see that The Celiac Shack is a different gluten free website from the others. I am confidant that if moms of children with gluten intolerances become part of this community, it will be the support area, group of online confidants, and most valuable resource any of us could ask for.
What are the benefits of a gluten free diet?
To give a brief explanation of what gluten and Celiac disease are, gluten is a mixture of the proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. A gluten-free diet avoids these grains. Gluten is also hiding in foods like licorice, cereals, popsicles, some malt, soy sauce, natural flavorings and many convenience foods. Gluten is the glue that holds things together, as in baked goods and pasta. Celiac disease is a genetic intolerance to gluten. It is an autoimmune response to gluten when the immune system attacks the cells of the body along with the gluten molecule. It can develop at any age. The result is damage to the small intestine and a variety of health problems. When celiac disease gets out of control, serious illnesses result. There’s no cure for celiac disease. Over time the intestines become damaged and other diseases take over. The solution is to avoid all foods that contain gluten.
Celiac disease is one of the most common genetic diseases known and its prevalence is growing. If a relative has celiac disease, the likelihood is high that others in the family have it. The symptoms of Celiac disease appear all through the body. Symptoms are fatigue, weakness, gas, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, vomiting, headaches, inability to concentrate, weight gain or weight loss, infertility, joint, bone or muscle pain, depression, respiratory problems, canker sores, lactose intolerance, eczema and psoriasis, rosacea, acne, lupus, osteoporosis, hair loss, bruising, low blood sugar, muscle cramping, nosebleeds, swelling and inflammation, night blindness, and a skin disorder called dermatitis herpetiformis.
A gluten-free diet can also improve autism, schizophrenia and other mood disorders, and attention-deficit disorder (ADD/AHDH).
Celiac disease disguises itself with so many symptoms that it is often misdiagnosed. It can be mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, anemia, migraines, psychological problems, Crohn’s disease, cancer, viral infections, parasites, gallbladder disease, thyroid disease, cystic fibrosis, acid reflux, diverticulosis, diabetes, eczema and psoriasis of the skin. A long list of autoimmune diseases are also related to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
In a nutshell, the benefits of a gluten free diet are endless to a person with a gluten intolerance/allergy. It can mean the difference of having chronic illness vs. living a "normal" life.
Are gluten free products more expensive?
Unfortunately, gluten free products are slightly more expensive than "mainstream" food, and the reason is there are simply not as many manufacturers of gluten free food. One good thing is that living gluten free also means eating whole and natural products that aren't overly processed, so many items you can buy without extra costs. I fully understand the need to purchase safe food for your family without breaking your wallet, and it is one of my missions for The Celiac Shack to bring people gluten free food at a fair and reasonable price. We are dedicated to selling our products at the best price possible and we're open to suggestions from our customers as to product recommendations and we will do our best to provide those products.
Do they taste the same as products with wheat?
Yes, the products that The Celiac Shack carries do taste the same as their "Normal" counterparts. We have every product taste tested by our kids, "The Jones Gang", and I can guarantee that everything we promote and sell taste as good, if not better than the gluten version. I've made several recipes, dinners, and treats that my children haven't known were gluten free, and that in my opinion is the best guarantee I can provide to my customers.
Got a favorite recipe you'd like to share?
I have many recipes that I would rate as excellent, and I will be sharing all of them on our Blog, and newsletter, "The Pipeline", I believe in creating recipes that are quick, easy, and taste great. I look for the following things when looking for and creating recipes for my family:
Is it quick and easy to make?
Am I likely to have the ingredients in my kitchen?
Am I able to substitute ingredients if necessary?
Does it taste great so my kids will eat it?
Would I make this for my most special guest?
If I can say yes to all of these questions, then I will post the recipe to my site and promote it. I am accepting new recipes for the site, and we're offering free products to those people that submit a recipe that we pick as the Winner of our Monthly Recipe Challenges. It's fun, exciting and at the same time, shares great recipes among other people that share similar issues and problems. It's a win-win for everyone involved.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
June's Gluten Free Cookie Challenge!
Thanks to everyone for all of your support for The Celiac Shack's Grand Opening!
Today I am celebrating our grand opening with my kids (The Jones Gang) by making them some awesome gluten free cookies!
I am using our Tastefully Gluten Free Multi-Purpose Cookie Dough Mix and added in our Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips!
Here is the recipe to show how simple this product is to use!
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
You will need:
1 1/2 Sticks unsalted butter, softened
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tsp. gluten-free vanilla
2 cups of our Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips
Slowly add dry mix and beat until crumbly. Add egg and vanilla
and beat until creamy (1-3 minutes). If mix is too crumbly,
add additional softened butter. Roll dough into 1" balls or drop by
the teaspoon onto cookie sheets. Bake for approximately 10 minutes,
or until slightly brown around the edges.
Let cool and enjoy!
June's Cookie Challenge ~
If you have a great gluten free cookie recipe that you'd like to submit to us, you can win a FREE gluten free cookie mix!
We will review all of our cookie recipe submissions and if your recipe is the best of the bunch, we will send you a FREE cookie mix and announce you the "WINNER" of the June Cookie Challenge in our newsletter, "The Pipeline"!
You may submit your recipes to our e-mail: theceliacshack@yahoo.com
Make them big, make them great, make them unique, just be sure to submit your best recipe into us no later than
REMINDER: Sign up for "The Pipeline" today so you can see some of the great recipes we've received and to
learn some really creative tips for using our products in your kitchen daily!
Of course, the most important reason to sign up today is to see if you're the lucky WINNER of June's Cookie Challenge!
The Celiac Shack ~ Making Gluten Free fun one day at a time!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Celiac Shack's Grand Opening!
Aloha ~
It is with great pleasure I announce that today you are able to hit the web and surf into www.theceliacshack.net. At the "Shack", you can experience a hip new approach to the very serious issue of Celiac Disease. We are providing items that not only are gluten free, but "Jones Gang" tested for great taste. The gang is a crack quality control group comprised of my four picky children whom all are under the age of 10. You will also have an opportunity to be a part of our online community through newsletters, blogs and informational links. It will be a place to share stories, swap recipes and to become more informed about products and illnesses that are associated with gluten.
I am launching this site with a special emphasis on mom's and their children. As a mom of a child with symptoms of gluten intolerance, I know that choices are limited in the grocery store and information scattered. I am not trying to recreate the wheel, just grease it so that it runs smoothly for people just like you.
If you or someone you know may have questions or gluten free needs, stop by The Celiac Shack for a stress free island atmosphere. Hope to hear from many of you soon. Enjoy and thank you!
Susan Jones
The CeliacShack
Email: theceliacshack@yahoo.com
Website: www.theceliacshack.net
Phone: 248-374-1902