Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Favorite Gluten Free Sweet

No big secret that I love, and when I say love, I mean LOVE Tootsie Rolls. They are the perfect sweet morsel. They come in a number of sizes and each one is consistently awesome. I prefer the classic sized Tootsie Rolls because I can monitor my munching status when they're smaller! Although I do admit that I get so excited when I come across those mambo ones that come in the full candy bar size packages - my mouth is watering just thinking about them! The best part is...They're GLUTEN FREE! They were my favorite candy before and I didn't have to give them! Score for Susan!

Now that I've shared my dirty sweet secret, I'm curious what your favorite gluten free sweet is. What tiny or huge confection do you get excited to see and even more ecstatic when you have it in your mouth? I know I'm not the only one out here that has a weakness for a favorite sugary treat!
So open up and spill your gooey gooey goodness favorite! Oh, by the way, I'm also looking for your replies so I can build my own personal candy list! ha-ha ;)

Best wishes for a happy gluten free day!
Susan :)
The Celiac Shack
Making gluten free fun one day at a time!

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