Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gluten free macaroni and cheese!

I'm making a gluten free macaroni and cheese for my kids today for lunch. I have to fave about these two products, as they have become a favorite of my children. This dish is incredibly easy to make and it tastes great.

I start with our gluten free elbow pasta by Ancient Harvest
and then mix up some Glute free cheese sauce by Full Flavor Food.

I simply follow the directions on the packages. I guarentee your kids and your family will love it!

If you have any gluten free recipes you'd like to share or have a comment about any of our recipes, please send them into s at Your comments and recipes may end up in our monthly newsletter and you can win FREE gifts just for sending us your comments!

The Celiac Shack ~ Making gluten free fun one day at a time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Delicious macaroni and cheese (!)
Thank you