The Red Pepper Deli
116W. Main Street
Northville, MI 48167
I have passed this establishment almost daily for the last year but have never ventured in, that is until just recently. WOW, was I missing out on some crazy gluten-free dining. Obviously the fact that they are primarily all G.F. is reason enough to eat there but that is just the icing on the cake. They are vegan, raw and organic as well. They have all the whistles and bells. Sandwiches, salads, soups, smoothies, shakes and desserts. This is not your typical greasy spoon that you envision when conjuring up images of delis. No meats, no grill? No problem. If you are like me, I don't fit enough vegetables into my daily diet. Problem solved if have a meal here. Their counter space is literally stuffed with a farm full of produce. They actually grow some of their product right there in the case. Talk about fresh! I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, Carolyn Simon, who was diligently whipping up sauces and spreads from scratch. Everything is done in real time to ensure quality control and freshness. No bulk buying condiments from origins unknown for this crew. Though I took my food home in a biodegradable take out container (Kudos for that!), they do have a smattering of tables for people to chill and linger about. It has a very earthy feel that is inviting. After a long talk with Carolyn, she decided to pack up a sampler platter for me to get a flavor of their menu. I scurried home with excitement in my eyes and a hunger in my belly. I quickly divided the booty with my husband. He is a carnivore by nature but was interested because of shear curiosity. After taking a few bites we were hooked. Usually I always give my hubby the last bite of my food. Not this time buddy! So the next time that road trip feeling hits you and your family, come on down to our quaint Victorian town and get a bite at the Red Pepper Deli. Tell them that "The Shack" sent ya!
The October edition of "The Pipeline" is ready. Sign up for your subscription today at http://www.theceliacshack.net/ Thanks!
Susan Jones
The Celiac Shack