Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Shack" Attack

What's Up?

We have been busy at "The Celiac Shack" this week working on our blogs and amassing information for our November addition of "The Pipeline". Oh and social networking through such sites as Gluten-Free Faces, Gling and Twitter. Keeping tabs on this stuff is a full time job alone, but we have managed to find the time to add some new products to our on-line pantry. A local women from Taylor, MI gave us a call last week and asked if we had a couple of products that she was desperately trying to get her hands on. Sadly enough we did not have them either. We quickly made the calls to our distributors and ordered the products she was looking for. Her order is already in transit to her doorstep. I am going to list the two new products below. If you also have a need for these items, just click on the product word and you will be whisked away to our pantry. We pride ourselves on customer service and if you have a need for any particular product that you may not be able to find, drop us a line or an e-mail and we will find it and get it to you a.s.a.p.

Milk Sweet Dairy Whey -  (Bob's Red Mill)
Gluten Free Rolled Oats - (Bob's Red Mill)

The Celiac Shack

"Making gluten-free fun one day at a time!"

Phone: 1-(248)-374-1902

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