Friday, October 9, 2009

New Blog Page & Posts


I am excited to announce that starting Monday October 12th, we are starting a new blog format. We have not been posting recently because we have been working on improving the functionality and overall appearance of our page. Here's what to expect going forward with our posts:

Monday:         Health & Wellness
Tuesday:        Kids Cove  
Wednesday:  Gluten-Free Product Info.         
Thursday:     "Shack" Attack
Friday:             Travel & Leisure

We want our post not only to be entertaining, but be filled with useful information that can actually assist you in your everyday life. You will not have endless days filled with our personal thoughts and business plugs for our on-line store. We have narrowed down these ramblings to be delivered on Thursdays. We also have opened our posts up to comments from our followers. We want everyone to participate and help build a community that draws not only on success stories, but hard learned failures. As a thank you for following our blog, we will choose a random follower each week to receive a FREE gluten-free sample size snack. If you have any questions or comments regarding our new venture, please send us an e-mail at

So stay tuned, tell a friend & enjoy!


The Celiac Shack

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aloha Susan !!!

A good gift idea :-)))
but above all you need celiac disease patients is a widely distributed!

Your blog is lovely, I visit whenever I can, but I need to promote it maybe a bit more!
We have within our grasp "the network" FB is a good example of all those suffering from Celiac are doing.

I do not sell anything, I'm not celiac, but I think it would sell more if besides ... visit more of your products gluten-free spaces, and include in your blog some new scientific, laws celiac ...
Well, it's just an opinion, your blog is lovely, but we must be open to other spaces, other languages.

I'm a journalist, the best way to communicate is the critura, dissemination and information.

thank you very much
an affectionate greeting