Website or brick & mortar? I spent the better part of the afternoon walking around downtown Northville, MI checking out one of the many locations empty from failed businesses due to the bad economy. Though I am proud and happy of our website http://www.theceliacshack.net/ I can't get rid of the need to press the flesh with the gluten-free public. Though some of the locations are attractive, it's still a lot of overhead for a small business like mine that still has its training wheels on. This search was spawned by an e-mail I had received regarding a gluten-free bakery that just opened up in a near by city. Though I am happy for them and wish them all the luck in the world, I am a bit jealous and nervous. Nervous that a gluten-free store may open so close to my future location that I will miss my opportunity to realize my final goal. So keep those on-line orders coming folks! lol We appreciate your business and hope to see all of you in person soon. A girl can dream!
Susan Jones
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