Monday, November 16, 2009

Health & Wellness

Funding For Gluten Free School Lunches!

The need for increased reimbursement for medically prescribed diets is particularly important. While schools are required accommodate such diets, they receive no additional funding to purchase the necessary foods.

Students with celiac disease are routinely denied access to their medically prescribed gluten-free (GF) diet because schools can't afford GF foods. Many products contain wheat as an ingredient or filler which can remove lunch staples as options for celiac students.

The only way to guarantee that children with medically prescribed diets receive proper nutrition and their medical diet is to reimburse schools for the actual cost of those meals.

A recent survey by the American Celiac Disease Alliance (ACDA) found in almost every state, students with celiac disease have requested but were denied GF meals. Cost was cited as the main reason schools did not accommodate the diet.

Please support students with medically prescribed diets and ensure funding to meet their needs when Congress considers the legislation to reauthorize the child nutrition programs.

Listed below is a link for you to personally help support this cause and to help our Celiac and gluten intolerant children!

The Celiac Shack
Making gluten free fun one dat at a time!

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